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El Sueño de los Compadres by José Retana - El Salvador

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José Retana

Mixta sobre lienzo

91 cm x 91 cm

El Salvador

Estudió Arquitectura, Diseño Gráfico, pinta desde los 14 años, es autodidacta y ha mezclado la vida artística con actividades ejecutivas en la empresa privada y como editorialista en periódicos impresos y digitales. Sus obras están en museos de arte moderno, colecciones institucionales y privadas, con premios y menciones especiales dentro y fuera del país, es el Arte de El salvador para el mundo. Un mundo muy especial, con valores culturales e históricos del origen prehispánico, situaciones ambientales como la estación lluviosa y su romanticismo, o imágenes inocentes de sueños infantiles. Con la libertad de la abstracción y la imaginación del surrealismo, sus rápidos y mágicos trazos, se funden con finos detalles creando un estilo hibrido muy propio.


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Simply send us an email or contact our Customer Service team to let us know, and we will handle the return shipping at no cost to you. We will only accept returns that are made in perfect condition, and we will process your refund within 30 days of receiving the returned artwork.

We want you to feel confident and secure when shopping with us, so we offer this money-back guarantee to give you peace of mind. Thank you for choosing Premium Art Gallery!

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Telma Viale, Geneva, Switzerland

Frequently Asked Questions

Delivery Information

What are the guarantees included? 

For sales of original works, Premium Art Gallery acts as an intermediary between the authors of the works and the users who purchase them, and in this regard it informs users that the Authors of the Works guarantee the following:



-No violation of third party rights.

-Not being the Work a historical heritage of the country.

-Not being the Work an unexportable or cultural interest good.

What happens if there is a disaster?

Premium Art Gallery insures all shipments of original works for the value of the work, declared in the Courier, however, it must be verified that the Courier includes insurance, if requested by Premium Art Gallery. Only internationally renowned companies are recommended.

In the event that the work suffers a disaster, due to the fault of the author, Premium Art Gallery undertakes to exchange the damaged work for another chosen by the customer or to make a refund to the customer for the amount paid. (in that case the author of the work must be responsible for the disaster).

Return Policy

What if I no longer want the work?

The user will have a period of 14 natural days from the day after receipt of the order during which they may withdraw from the sale and return or exchange the work(s).

To this end, the user can:

Send an email to Premium Art Gallery for the Customer Service to advise on the return or exchange and for PremiumArtGallery to manage with the transportation company the pickup at the agreed location and time with the customer.

Send the work(s) to the provided address.

In both cases, PremiumArtGallery offers users free return shipping costs.

Premium Art Gallery will only accept returns that meet the following requirements:

They are exercised within the specified period.

The return must be made in packaging that guarantees the perfect condition of the work(s).

A copy of the Courier delivery document for the work(s) should be included to facilitate the procedures.

Once the author of the original work has received the work(s) or PremiumArtGallery has received it, it will be verified that it is in perfect condition and the user's account status will be validated based on the amount paid, return costs, and associated expenses.

The user can choose between exchanging the returned work for another work of their choice or for a refund of the pending balance of their account status.

In the case of choosing the exchange for another work, the positive or negative balance of the user's account status will be calculated with respect to the new purchase and the balance will be settled.

In the case of choosing the refund of the balance of their account status, PremiumArtGallery will proceed within 30 days to pay the balance in the same way that the user made the payment for the work(s).

In the event that the shipment is made between countries with different common space or special conditions, customs may apply import taxes that must be assumed by the importer (the buyer). Until the payment of these taxes is assumed, the right to withdraw from the purchase will be suspended. The deadline for assuming the payment of these taxes is 14 natural days from the communication to the customer by the transportation company or national customs department.

Terms of Service and Conditions

What is the Art Shipping Policy?

Premium Art Gallery will manage the delivery of the Work to the user after payment has been verified by the bank, with the shipment being made through an internationally renowned Courier (in this case: DHL), who will be the final responsible for delivery to the address indicated by the user on the purchase form, and Premium Art Gallery will not be responsible for delivery problems resulting from incorrect or inaccurate information provided by the user.

The maximum period between the formalization of the sale and delivery of the Works will be 30 days. For these purposes, it will be considered that delivery has taken place when the transportation company responsible for transporting the Work makes the Work available to the user. In the event of a delay in the maximum period established (30 days) imputable to the Courier, the user will have the right to return the Work.

For these purposes, it will not be considered that there is a delay in the delivery of the Works in the event that the Work has been retained at the export or import customs or made available to the user within the expected period, but could not be delivered due to a cause imputable to the user.

In the event that the transportation company makes an unsuccessful delivery attempt, it will leave a delivery notice for the user so that they can contact the transportation company and coordinate a new delivery.

In the event that neither the transportation company nor Premium Art Gallery can contact the user to coordinate the delivery of the Work within a maximum period of 15 business days from the first delivery attempt, the transportation company may return the Work to the author of the Work to PremiumArtGallery or to the artist if they are from a different country, with the user assuming all the generated expenses (delivery, return, and any other associated management).

At the time of delivery, the user must check the condition of the package, indicating any anomalies detected in it on the delivery document. Similarly, if upon opening the package the user detects any anomalies in the Work, they commit to informing Premium Art Gallery via email to Premium Art Gallery indicating the order number in the subject or through their user menu.

In the case of original works that come directly from the author and involve an export-import, the author is considered the exporter, being responsible for all export management. Similarly, the buyer will be considered the importer of the work, and must pay the broker or the Courier at the time of delivery any amounts due in the event that there are tariffs or import taxes.

What are the general conditions for the sale/purchase of works?

These General Conditions regulate the sale of works of art by artists who can contact PremiumArtGallery at the email addresses Through the Website, it makes available to users a platform that allows for the exhibition and/or sale of works of art.

Access to the Website is regulated by the General Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy that the user accepts at the time of registration on the Website and which will apply to them, in the version in effect at each time, each time the user accesses the Website; and the contracting of highlights on the Website is regulated by these General Conditions for the Contracting of Highlights. In the event of a discrepancy between these General Conditions for the Contracting of Highlights and the General Conditions of Use and/or the Privacy Policy, the text of the Contracting Conditions will always prevail.

PremiumArtGallery reserves the right to modify, without notice, the content of the Sales Conditions, so it is recommended that the USER read the Conditions each time a sale is made.

Artist Statements

These General Conditions of Service for the sale of works by Artist apply to those artists who wish to sell their original works and/or reproductions through PremiumArtGallery with the option of sale through PremiumArtGallery active. In this way, the artist authorizes PremiumArtGallery to sell their works to users of the portal. The artist declares the following: That they are the author of the works uploaded to PremiumArtGallery and/or that they hold all copyright rights over the works for sale, reproduction and public communication. That the author has access to the informed email and that they review any communication sent within a period of less than 72 hours. That the author has the original works for sale and that they can access them within a period of less than 72 hours. The artist commits to having the work packed and ready for shipping within a maximum of 3 days from the notification by PremiumArtGallery of the sale made. That the author has freely determined the price of their original works and/or reproductions, fully exempting PremiumArtGallery from any liability for the determination of the price of the same. That the author holds the reproduction and public communication rights of the works for sale and that they transfer these rights to PremiumArtGallery for their commercial exploitation through a commission on the sale. That the information provided by the author corresponds to the reality of the work, exempting PremiumArtGallery from any liability. That the author grants PremiumArtGallery the right of public communication of all the photographs inserted in order to be able to use them for commercial and promotional purposes. That the artist authorizes PremiumArtGallery to issue invoices in their name for the amount of the commissions generated by the sale or any other that may arise from the commercial relationship between the artist and Premium Art Gallery.

Similarly, the artist authorizes PremiumArtGallery to carry out commercial actions, campaigns and advertising through third parties using the works put up for sale by the artist through PremiumArtGallery. These commercial actions, campaigns or advertising will be carried out under the brand of the third parties and the Premium Art Gallery brand.

Our Selling Process

The process for selling works on the Premium Art Gallery website is as follows:

Original works: Premium Art Gallery sells the artwork on behalf of the artist. The customer can purchase the work online on the website, and Premium Art Gallery will receive the payment from the customer and notify the artist of the sale. The artist will receive notification, and must then:

• Download the shipping tutorial.

• Attach the Certificate of Authenticity, in the case of an export.

• Provide the proforma invoice.

• In the case that the gallery has possession of the work, they will handle the shipping after verifying that the payment has been received.

Premium Art Gallery will then prepare the invoice and handle the shipping costs, which must be included in the cost to the customer. The customer must provide the shipping country in order to determine the shipping cost (this information is necessary to show the buyer the shipping costs).

The artist will prepare the packaging and documentation according to the tutorial provided by Premium Art Gallery and send a photograph of the exterior of the packaging and the dimensions of the box to Premium Art Gallery. The artist agrees to have the work packaged and ready for shipping within 3 days of notification from Premium Art Gallery of the sale.

In the case of an export of an original work, due to Premium Art Gallery's role as intermediary in the sales process, the artist is responsible for managing all procedures for exporting the work. If Premium Art Gallery or the customer has negotiated agreements with shipping companies based on the country of origin and destination, Premium Art Gallery or the customer will handle the shipping, sending the artist the shipping labels for pick up.

Once the work is delivered to the customer and 14 days have passed since its receipt (a period of time designated by Premium Art Gallery for the customer to return the work), Premium Art Gallery will handle payment to the artist.

Payment will be made in US dollars, taking into account the amount paid by the customer for the work and subtracting Premium Art Gallery's commission, applying the applicable taxes or levies for each transaction at the time.

If the sale was made as part of a fundraising campaign and a donation was agreed upon, the amount donated will be included in the payment to the artist, not exceeding 10% of the total price of the work.

*Payment processing services for artists are provided by Banco de América Central and are subject to the bank's contract. If the artist requests it, payment can be made by bank transfer or another method suggested by the artist, with the cost of the transfer and the artist's approval of it being the responsibility of the artist.

Can I place a specific work order?

Premium Art Gallery offers users the possibility of placing orders through an active form for artists who accept orders. If the user decides to hire the order, he/she must make an advance payment of 50% of the order amount.

In the event that the artist has the option of accepting orders and has accepted one, they commit through this contract to initiate and complete the work under the instructions of the client and Premium Art Gallery.

The artist will send photographs to Premium Art Gallery for tracking the order. Once the order is completed and approved by the user, the process will continue as indicated.

What are the services provided by Premium Art Gallery?

Formation of the sale of the work:

The sale of the work will be formalized at the time of online payment of the work by the customer.

What are the Security Policies?

The artist is guaranteed the security of their transactions, as they have protocols and security services of high standards provided by BAC CREDOMATIC.

Additionally, users are informed that in order to increase their security guarantee in transactions, they collaborate with the CREDOMATIC company, major and most recognized certification companies in the field of authentication and security on the internet.

Does the gallery have Personal Data Protection?

In addition to what is indicated in the Data Protection Policy of the Website, which is fully applicable to this transaction, it informs its users:

- That the data provided by the user in the process of purchasing the Works will be used solely for the purpose of formalizing the sale and managing the delivery and potential return of the purchased Work.

- That they will be incorporated into files declared and registered with the Data Protection Agency.

- That it does not store data on transactions or payment data."

Privacy Policy

What are the Data Privacy Policies?

Premium Art Gallery informs its users:

That the data provided by the user in the purchase process of the Works will be used by Premium Art Gallery for the sole purpose of formalizing the sale and managing the delivery and eventual return of the purchased Work.

That it does not store data on transactions or payment data.

That purchase transactions are made on the bank's secure site.

What are the Security Policies?

The artist is guaranteed the security of their transactions, as it has high-standard security protocols and services provided by BAC CREDOMATIC.

In addition, users are informed that in order to increase the security guarantee of transactions, it collaborates with CREDOMATIC, the main and most recognized certification companies in the field of authentication and security on the internet.

Does the gallery have Personal Data Protection?

In addition to what is indicated in the Website's Data Protection Policy, which is fully applicable to this transaction, it informs its users:

That the data provided by the user in the process of buying and selling the Works will be used for the sole purpose of formalizing the sale and managing the delivery and eventual return of the purchased Work.

That they will be incorporated into the files declared and registered in the Data Protection Agency's Registry.

That it does not store data on transactions or payment data.

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Premium Art Gallery is an online platform dedicated to promoting and celebrating the rich cultural heritage and diverse artistic traditions of Latin America.


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Hours: 09:00-17:00 (PST) MON - FRI


Phone: +503 7576 7249


Premium Art Gallery is an online platform dedicated to promoting and celebrating the rich cultural heritage and diverse artistic traditions of Latin America.


Join our community and stay up to date on the latest artworks and artists added to our platform, as well as exclusive discounts and special offers. Simply enter your email address below to start receiving our newsletters.

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09:00-17:00 (PST) MON - FRI


Phone: +503 7576 7249


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